Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints, causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness. If you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and are looking for an effective treatment in Dhaka, then it is crucial to seek guidance from a Rheumatologist.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment aims to reduce pain, inflammation, and joint damage while improving function and quality of life. The treatment approach for RA typically involves a combination of medication, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, and sometimes surgery. In Dhaka, several hospitals and clinics have specialized rheumatology departments that offer a range of services such as diagnosis and guidance for patients with RA, let’s see the diagnosis for rheumatoid arthritis below,

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) diagnosis

Rheumatoid treatment in Bangladesh follows a comprehensive approach to address the condition. The diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis is as follows,

Medical History: Discussing symptoms, duration of joint pain, stiffness, and family history of arthritis or autoimmune diseases.

Physical Examination: Assessing joints for inflammation, tenderness, warmth, and deformities.

Laboratory Tests: Blood tests for Rheumatoid Factor (RF) and Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies to aid in diagnosis. Positive results indicate a higher likelihood of RA.

Imaging Tests: X-rays, ultrasound, or MRI may be used to assess joint damage, inflammation, and structural changes associated with RA.

Let’s read on to know more about the different types of treatment available for rheumatoid arthritis treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh,

Discover effective arthritis treatment options.

Rheumatoid arthritis Treatment

The field of rheumatoid arthritis treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh has witnessed significant advancements, attracting individuals from across the country who seek specialized care. Dr. Monzur, renowned as the best rheumatologist in Dhaka, Bangladesh, plays a pivotal role in providing expert treatment and guidance to patients, let’s read on the treatment for rheumatoid treatment,


Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): NSAIDs can help reduce pain and inflammation in the joints. They are often used for short-term relief of RA symptoms.

Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs): DMARDs, such as methotrexate, sulfasalazine, and hydroxychloroquine, are used to slow down disease progression and prevent joint damage.

Biologic Response Modifiers: Biologics are a newer class of medications that target specific components of the immune system involved in RA. They can effectively reduce inflammation and halt joint damage.

Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory medications that can be used to provide short-term symptom relief during flare-ups.

Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy plays an important role in managing rheumatoid arthritis. A physical therapist can design an exercise program tailored to your needs, focusing on joint mobility, strength, and flexibility. They may also provide techniques to reduce pain and improve functional abilities.

Lifestyle Modifications:

Lifestyle modifications, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, are vital for overall well-being. Stress management techniques, like mindfulness or relaxation exercises, minimize the negative effects of stress on mental and physical health. Adequate rest and sleep are crucial for recovery and rejuvenation.



In severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis where joint damage is extensive and debilitating, surgery may be considered. Joint replacement surgery, such as hip or knee replacement, can help relieve pain and improve joint function.


Rheumatoid arthritis treatment cost in Dhaka

The cost of rheumatoid arthritis treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh can vary depending on several factors. These factors include the severity of the condition, the choice of medications, the need for diagnostic tests, and the healthcare facility you visit. Treatment costs can also vary depending on whether you opt for government-run hospitals, private hospitals, or specialized clinics.

It is advisable to consult with healthcare providers or hospitals directly to get accurate information regarding the treatment costs. They can provide you with detailed information about the specific treatments, medications, and procedures involved, as well as the associated costs. Additionally, it’s important to check if your health insurance coverage includes rheumatoid arthritis treatment and if there are any limitations or co-payment requirements.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by inflammation in the joints, which can lead to various symptoms. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can vary from person to person, and their severity can also fluctuate over time. Here are some common symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis:

  • Joint Pain: Persistent joint pain is a hallmark symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. The pain is typically felt on both sides of the body and can affect multiple joints, such as the fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles.
  • Joint Swelling: Inflammation in the joints can cause swelling, making the affected areas appear red, warm, and tender to the touch.
  • Morning Stiffness: Many individuals with rheumatoid arthritis experience stiffness and limited joint mobility, particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity. This stiffness can last for several hours.
  • Fatigue: People with rheumatoid arthritis often experience a sense of overwhelming fatigue and general weakness. This fatigue can interfere with daily activities and may not always correlate with the level of physical exertion.
  • Systemic Symptoms: Rheumatoid arthritis can also affect other parts of the body, leading to systemic symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, and a general feeling of being unwell.
  • Joint Deformity: Over time, rheumatoid arthritis can cause joint damage and deformities. This can result in joint deformities, including crooked fingers or toes, joint subluxation, and limited range of motion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured completely, but treatment can help manage the symptoms, control inflammation, and prevent further joint damage.

The duration of rheumatoid arthritis treatment varies depending on the individual and the severity of the disease. It is typically a lifelong management process.

While certain natural remedies and complementary therapies may provide relief from symptoms, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any alternative treatments.

Some individuals may find that certain foods can trigger or worsen their symptoms. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is generally recommended, but specific dietary modifications should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

Rheumatoid arthritis can potentially affect pregnancy, but with proper management and monitoring, most women with the condition can have successful pregnancies. It is important to work closely with both a rheumatologist and an obstetrician to ensure the best outcomes. With proper planning and support, women with rheumatoid arthritis can have healthy pregnancies.